Înregistrarea întregii conferințe este disponibilă GRATUIT tuturor celor interesați


We invite you to participate at the first edition of CNES 2021 - Romanian National Conference on Social Economy organized online on December 10, 2021 (11:30-15: 00 GMT + 2) by the SURYAM Association, the Association for Science, Innovative Technology and Entrepreneurs (ȘTII) and the Central Region Support Association and which aims to mobilize and coagulate the main actors in the social economy sector in Romania, facilitating dialogue between the parties.

The social economy has developed in Romania, especially due to the need to find new, innovative solutions to social, economic or environmental problems and to meet the needs of community members who are ignored or insufficiently covered by the public or private sector. Moreover, the period of the pandemic from 2020-2021 showed us that the public and private sector can consume enormous financial and human resources, without having proportional benefits, in the absence of adequate strategies and implementations and the social economy can be the solution for a series of social and economic problems.

The financing needs and opportunities of the social economy sector are among the topics that will be addressed at the first edition of CNES, in addition to the topics of social enterprise development, sustainability and legislative challenges.

The national and international participation of important personalities from the Social Economy sector turns this conference into an important professional event, with opportunities to exchange national and international experience.

The social economy is the sector that combines economic performance with social impact. In this sector we find business friendly to man, the environment and the community. In Romania, the social economy is regulated by Law no. 219/2015 and represents the set of activities organized independently of the public sector, whose purpose is to serve the general interest, the interests of a community and / or non-patrimonial personal interests, by increasing the employment of persons belonging to the vulnerable group and / or the production and supply of goods , provision of services and / or execution of works. At European level there are over 2.8 million social enterprises with an activity representing 8% of EU GDP. In Romania, 1642 social enterprises are registered, out of which 45 social insertion enterprises.

Organized by

Speakers and Guests

Marius Dumitrescu

Social entrepreneur, administrator of the first social pharmacy in Romania, President of the SURYAM Association

Silvia-Daniela Pohrib

President of the Center Region Support Association and manager of the STII Association

Roxana Minzatu

expert fonduri nerambursabile, fost ministru al fondurilor europene

Bogdan Panait

Founder and CEO at Lexdata, Vice President of the ȘTII Association

Angela Achiţei

President "Alături de Voi" România (ADV) Foundation

Anca Florea

Director of the Home for the Elderly Tîrgu Mureș

Mihaela Munteanu

Director comunicare Federația Organizațiilor Neguvernamentale pentru Servicii Sociale

Rodica Lupu

Fondator Ingenius Hub, Presedinte Centru de Resurse pentru Cetatenie Activa CRCA

Andreia Moraru

Director Executiv al Direcției de Asistență Socială Târgu Mureș

Maricel Maroti

Consultant- reprezentant al ACCES - Asociatia Clusterul Comunitar de Economie Sociala

Lorita Constantinescu

Director dezvoltare Ateliere fără Frontiere



Participants' access on the Conferinte.ro platform


Opening of the proceedings of the Conference.

Silvia-Daniela Pohrib

President of the Center Region Support Association and manager of the STII Association

Marius Dumitrescu

Social entrepreneur, administrator of the first social pharmacy in Romania, President of the SURYAM Association


Silvia-Daniela Pohrib

President of the Center Region Support Association and manager of the STII Association


Roxana Minzatu

expert fonduri nerambursabile, fost ministru al fondurilor europene


Maricel Maroti

Consultant- reprezentant al ACCES - Asociatia Clusterul Comunitar de Economie Sociala


Bogdan Panait

Founder and CEO at Lexdata, Vice President of the ȘTII Association


Mihaela Munteanu

Director comunicare Federația Organizațiilor Neguvernamentale pentru Servicii Sociale


Rodica Lupu

Fondator Ingenius Hub, Presedinte Centru de Resurse pentru Cetatenie Activa CRCA


Marius Dumitrescu

Social entrepreneur, administrator of the first social pharmacy in Romania, President of the SURYAM Association

Anca Florea

Director of the Home for the Elderly Tîrgu Mureș

Andreia Moraru

Director Executiv al Direcției de Asistență Socială Târgu Mureș


Problems and solutions for the development of the Social Economy sector in Romania


Conclusions & Closing of the event


Bogdan Panait

Founder and CEO at Lexdata, Vice President of the ȘTII Association